A module collecting all predefined OCaml types, exceptions and modules operating on them, so that ppx_deriving plugins operate in a well-defined environment.
typenonrec int = int
Predefined types
typenonrec char = char
typenonrec string = string
typenonrec float = float
typenonrec bool = bool
typenonrec unit = unit
typenonrec exn = exn
typenonrec'a array = 'a array
typenonrec'a list = 'a list
typenonrec'a option = 'a option
typenonrec nativeint = nativeint
typenonrec int32 = int32
typenonrec int64 = int64
typenonrec'a lazy_t = 'a lazy_t
typenonrec bytes = bytes
Predefined modules
Operations on predefined types
val raise : exn ->'a
val raise_notrace : exn ->'a
val invalid_arg : string ->'a
val failwith : string ->'a
exceptionMatch_failureof string * int * int
exceptionAssert_failureof string * int * int
exceptionInvalid_argumentof string
exceptionFailureof string
exceptionSys_errorof string
exceptionUndefined_recursive_moduleof string * int * int
val (=) : 'a->'a-> bool
val (<>) : 'a->'a-> bool
val (<) : 'a->'a-> bool
val (>) : 'a->'a-> bool
val (<=) : 'a->'a-> bool
val (>=) : 'a->'a-> bool
val compare : 'a->'a-> int
val min : 'a->'a->'a
val max : 'a->'a->'a
val (==) : 'a->'a-> bool
val (!=) : 'a->'a-> bool
val not : bool -> bool
val (&&) : bool ->bool -> bool
val (||) : bool ->bool -> bool
val __LOC__ : string
val __FILE__ : string
val __LINE__ : int
val __MODULE__ : string
val __POS__ : string * int * int * int
val __FUNCTION__ : string
val __LOC_OF__ : 'a-> string * 'a
val __LINE_OF__ : 'a-> int * 'a
val __POS_OF__ : 'a->(string * int * int * int) * 'a