Module Extension.V3

type nonrec t = t
val declare : string -> 'context Context.t -> (Astlib.Ast_500.Parsetree.payload, 'a, 'context) Ast_pattern.t -> (ctxt:Expansion_context.Extension.t -> 'a) -> t
val declare_inline : string -> 'context Context.t -> (Astlib.Ast_500.Parsetree.payload, 'a, 'context list) Ast_pattern.t -> (ctxt:Expansion_context.Extension.t -> 'a) -> t
val declare_with_path_arg : string -> 'context Context.t -> (Astlib.Ast_500.Parsetree.payload, 'a, 'context) Ast_pattern.t -> (ctxt:Expansion_context.Extension.t -> arg:Longident.t Ppxlib_ast.Asttypes.loc option -> 'a) -> t

Same as declare except that the extension name takes an additional path argument. The path is the part of the name that start with a capitalized component. For instance in the following, the extension "map" would receive the path argument Foo.Bar:

let%map.Foo.Bar x = 1 in
val declare_inline_with_path_arg : string -> 'context Context.t -> (Astlib.Ast_500.Parsetree.payload, 'a, 'context list) Ast_pattern.t -> (ctxt:Expansion_context.Extension.t -> arg:Longident.t Ppxlib_ast.Asttypes.loc option -> 'a) -> t