Module Ppx_deriving_protobuf

val lid : string -> Ppxlib__.Longident.t Ppxlib.Ast_builder.Default.Located.t
type pb_encoding =
| Pbe_varint
| Pbe_zigzag
| Pbe_bits32
| Pbe_bits64
| Pbe_bytes
| Pbe_packed of pb_encoding
and pb_type =
| Pbt_bool
| Pbt_int
| Pbt_int32
| Pbt_int64
| Pbt_uint32
| Pbt_uint64
| Pbt_float
| Pbt_string
| Pbt_bytes
| Pbt_imm of Ppxlib.Parsetree.core_type
| Pbt_variant of (int * string) list
| Pbt_nested of Ppxlib.Parsetree.core_type list * Ppxlib.Longident.t
| Pbt_poly of string
and pb_kind =
| Pbk_required
| Pbk_optional
| Pbk_repeated
and pb_field = {
pbf_name : string;
pbf_extname : string;
pbf_path : string list;
pbf_key : int;
pbf_enc : pb_encoding;
pbf_type : pb_type;
pbf_kind : pb_kind;
pbf_default : Ppxlib.Parsetree.expression option;
pbf_loc : Ppxlib.Location.t;
type error =
| Pberr_attr_syntax of Ppxlib.Location.t * [ `Key | `Encoding | `Bare | `Default | `Packed ]
| Pberr_wrong_attr of Ppxlib.Parsetree.attribute
| Pberr_no_key of Ppxlib.Location.t
| Pberr_key_invalid of Ppxlib.Location.t * int
| Pberr_key_duplicate of int * Ppxlib.Location.t * Ppxlib.Location.t
| Pberr_abstract of Ppxlib.Parsetree.type_declaration
| Pberr_open of Ppxlib.Parsetree.type_declaration
| Pberr_wrong_ty of Ppxlib.Parsetree.core_type
| Pberr_wrong_tparm of Ppxlib.Parsetree.core_type
| Pberr_no_conversion of Ppxlib.Location.t * pb_type * pb_encoding
| Pberr_packed_bytes of Ppxlib.Location.t
| Pberr_dumb_protoc of Ppxlib.Location.t
| Pberr_ocaml_expr of Ppxlib.Location.t
exception Error of error
val filter_map : ('a -> 'b option) -> 'a list -> 'b list
val string_of_lident : Ppxlib.Longident.t -> string
val string_of_pb_encoding : pb_encoding -> string
val pb_encoding_of_string : string -> pb_encoding option
val string_of_pb_type : pb_type -> string
val string_payload_kind_of_pb_encoding : pb_encoding -> string
val describe_error : error -> 'a
val deriver : string
val pb_key_of_attrs : Ppxlib.attributes -> int option
val pb_encoding_of_attrs : Ppxlib.attributes -> pb_encoding option
val bare_of_attrs : Ppxlib.attributes -> bool
val default_of_attrs : Ppxlib.attributes -> Ppxlib.Parsetree.expression option
val packed_of_attrs : Ppxlib.attributes -> bool
val fields_of_ptype : Ppxlib_ast__Versions.OCaml_411.Ast.Asttypes.label list -> Ppxlib.Parsetree.type_declaration -> pb_field list
val empty_constructor_argument : Ppxlib.Parsetree.constructor_declaration -> bool
val int64_constant_of_int : int -> Ppxlib.Parsetree.constant
val derive_reader_bare : string list -> 'a -> Ppxlib.type_declaration -> Migrate_parsetree.Ast_411.Parsetree.value_binding option
val derive_reader : string list -> pb_field list -> Migrate_parsetree.Ast_411.Parsetree.type_declaration -> Migrate_parsetree.Ast_411.Parsetree.value_binding
val derive_writer_bare : 'a -> Ppxlib.type_declaration -> Migrate_parsetree.Ast_411.Parsetree.value_binding option
val derive_writer : pb_field list -> Migrate_parsetree.Ast_411.Parsetree.type_declaration -> Migrate_parsetree.Ast_411.Parsetree.value_binding
val str_of_type : options:'a -> path:Ppxlib_ast__Versions.OCaml_411.Ast.Asttypes.label list -> Ppxlib.Parsetree.type_declaration -> Migrate_parsetree.Ast_411.Parsetree.value_binding list
val has_bare : Ppxlib.Parsetree.type_declaration -> bool
val sig_of_type : options:'a -> path:'b -> Ppxlib.Parsetree.type_declaration -> Migrate_parsetree.Ast_411.Parsetree.signature_item list
module LongidentSet : sig ... end
val write_protoc : fmt:Stdlib.Format.formatter -> path:Ppxlib_ast__Versions.OCaml_411.Ast.Asttypes.label list -> ?⁠import:string list -> Ppxlib.Parsetree.type_declaration -> unit
val protoc_files : (string, Stdlib.Format.formatter) Stdlib.Hashtbl.t
val parse_options : options:(string * Ppxlib.Parsetree.expression) list -> path:Ppxlib_ast__Versions.OCaml_411.Ast.Asttypes.label list -> Ppxlib.Parsetree.type_declaration list -> unit